Monday, 24 June 2013

[AskAzu]Adding GREE Friends to Mates (BMP, MSB and CD)

Question :

Answer : 

You're very welcome Yuna ^^~
If you are playing the game with the GREE account.
You could add your friend there.
(steps to add friend in GREE : Adding friends on GREE)
Then, if you want to add your friend in BMP or MSB or CD.
(let's just pretend it's BMP)
Just go to Mate List Page.
Then Find Princess Mate.
I'm sure there are 3 options given to search mates.
It's Recommends, Newcomers and Friends.
go to Friends page and you will find your friend's name there.

If you don't have GREE account.
I don't know how to answer your question,
Since it's quite impossible to search your friend from Recommend or Newcomer side among more than one thousand users. ._.
To make this convenient, just create GREE account. ^^~
I hope this answer is helping. :)


  1. Azusa-san, my mate in BMP want to become mates at CD.
    first, at I add her as mate in BMP using the recommend option so it's not like she is on my Friend List.
    We don't know about each other when we first become mate. We seem to get along now so she ask me to add her at CD as mate. But I don't know how to add her at my Friend List. I go to Home at Gree Account >> Friend >> Search Friend>> I put in her player code ( looks like she don't change her usernamename ) Ex. Player 700785133.
    Then I click enter. But no result.

    How exactly am I supposed to add her?? *utterly confused*

    If could, I'd like you to tell me throughly and precisely how exactly to add people. ;_;

    1. hello hikari-san ^^~
      i think you did the right steps.
      this is steps to add friends:


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Have a good day.

With love, Azusa~

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