Saturday, 1 February 2014

[walkthrough]Will - Valentine Event (BMP for GREE)

Prince Wilfred's Walkthrough
( options that i bold is the right answer)


-Stage 1-
Episode 1
Our valentine's day job!
Forget about it
Get: 200LF

-Stage 2-
Episode 2
Mission : Vivid pink Snood (3000 Cruz)
Episode 5
Get on the conveyer
Quickly hit the off switch
Get: 200LF

-Stage 3-
Episode 1
Package him and escape
Make an excuse
Get: 200LF
Episode 4
Mission : Chocolate Color Ear Pad (4500 Cruz)

-Stage 4-
Episode 3- Happy Ending
Give him some chocolates
Take a bath
Get:200 LF
-Stage 4-
Episode 3- Normal Ending
Yes, it's true
Get:200 LF

*i will keep updating the walkthrough


  1. Thank you keep up the good work.

    1. you're welcome anon ^^~
      see you around. :)

  2. uhhhh :D
    thank you very much! :D
    i didn't read the walkthrough, so i made a mistakes in stage 3 :'(
    now i'm still collecting love factor to get happy ending
    how about the stage 4 choice?? which one should we choose?

    1. The first one

    2. hello Miyazaki-san ^^~
      you're most welcome. :) hehe~
      and sorry for the stage 4, i forgot to bold the correct answer,
      thank you anon for telling her. ^^~
      see you around gals <3

  3. I have glenn's walkthrough for the happy ending.
    stage 1: take glenn's side
    stage 2: he's lying
    stage 3: remake them
    stage 4: chocolate truffles
    sorry I forgot the love factors needed but I've almost finished playing this route and just need the final love factors to finish so I wanted to share. The picture with glenn is really cute but i'm probably biased because he's my favorite.

    1. hello anon,
      thank you very much for the correct answer.
      sorry, i just read your comment by today. >.<
      hahahaa. nevermind, i'm still thinking whether i need to put love factor or not. XD~
      hahahah. :3
      ahahaha! obviously! i also agree~ XD~ hihi. :3 his story also always nice, don't you think so?

    2. Yeah I always love Glenn's stories. They're so sweet, just like him. My other two faves would have to be Josh and Will.

    3. hehe~ me too~ :3 i love it how Rob always appear in Glenn's route, lol. XDD~ i also love Alan, hihi~ he's so cute. XD~ i see. :3 hihi~ I like Will too! XD~

  4. answer for Normal Ending is
    Yes, it's true

    1. thank you very much Nurul~ <3
      updated ^^~


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